Functional Nutrition Coaching

Connect with one of our amazing local community Nutrition Coaches/Dietitian partners!

Do These Sound Like You?

You’ve been working hard in the gym but are struggling to get stronger, build muscle and see the results you want

You feel overwhelmed with all the information out there and are tired of fad diets and cookie-cutter meal plans that don’t work

You’re constantly fatigued, dealing with brain fog and feeling like you’re dragging through your workouts

You experience bloating and digestive distress no matter what you eat, and you feel like you’ve “already tried it all”

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Make lasting change with personalized nutrition coaching.

How does personalized functional nutrition coaching work? Though each client’s needs and goals are different, my approach includes:

  • Working together to establish your goals, dive deep into your health history, and put together a unique, evidence-based plan that covers custom macros and nutrition, recovery, sleep and stress management. 
  • Straight forward action steps to help you build healthy habits that work for your life, schedule and goals, and be supported every step of the way.
  • Exploring educational topics that include understanding macros, digestion physiology, balancing blood sugar, and how to fuel for your workouts. I believe having a simple, yet deep understanding of these topics is crucial for sustainable progress and making lasting change, inside and out of the gym.

Sound like what you need and want to find out more? I’d love to chat with you more about your specific challenges and goals. Book a free 15 min consultation with me today!

Meet Meaghan

OUr Nutrition Expert

Meaghan is a L2 CrossFit Trainer and Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, specializing in gut health and athletic performance, who helps empower others to get strong from the inside out. Her journey with nutrition began in 2015 after realizing she had the power to finally fix her gut issues and chronic fatigue all while maintaining a high level of performance in the gym. Using evidence-based approaches, real food, lifestyle changes, and targeted supplementation, Meaghan’s approach is all about addressing the root causes of subpar health and performance, without the all-or-nothing mindset.

Certifications: Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Restorative Wellness Practitioner, L2 CrossFit Trainer, Z-Health Movement Specialist, Ready State Mobility Certified Coach

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